As an Empath how do i protect my energy

As an empath how do you protect your energy.
Hey there, cosmic warriors! Are you ready to step into your power and protect that beautiful empath energy of yours? If you're feeling drained, overwhelmed, and like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, this one's for you!
As an empath, I've been on a wild journey of self-discovery and energy protection. Let me share my story and the wisdom I've gained along the way. Trust me, it's a game-changer!
The Empath's Dilemma
As I got older, my empathic abilities intensified. Suddenly, I was breaking down in tears at TV commercials and feeling every little vibration and sound deeply. My moods were all over the place, I was irratble constantly and I felt like I was drowning in a sea of emotions - most of which weren't even mine!
For the longest time, I was an absolute hot mess. People drained me, but I still felt this overwhelming urge to help them. It gave my life meaning, you know? I'd plan my entire week around supporting others, all while neglecting my own baggage and unresolved trauma.
Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so.
The Empath's Struggle is Real
Here's what being an unprotected empath looked like for me:
Emotional Overload: Walking into a room and instantly knowing everyone's mood, whether they'd been fighting, or if someone was feeling uncomfortable. It was like being hit by a tidal wave of feelings every time I stepped out my front door.
Savior Complex: Feeling a deep need to fix everyone's problems, even at the expense of my own well-being. I saw the best in everyone, their potential, even when they were clearly using me.
Energy Sponge: Absorbing everything and anything around me. The more I did this, the weaker I got. It was like I was a human sponge for negativity, and boy, did it take its toll.
Confusion Central: Not knowing how to separate others' emotions from my own. Was I really sad, or was I feeling empathy for a friend going through a tough time? It was a constant guessing game. Manic energy.
World Weariness: Even global events would affect me, causing a sense of overwhelm that I couldn't shake. It felt like I was carrying the weight of the entire world on my shoulders. Full moons started to affect me more and more.
The Wake-Up Call
It took me way too long to realize that the reason I spent days in bed crying was that I had taken on the energy of someone else's problems. I had to learn how to shed it without the panic attacks and breakdowns. I had to learn to harness the emotions and release them with much more ease and purpose.
And you know what? You can do it too.
The Empath's Toolkit: Protecting Your Energy
Now, let's get to the good stuff. Here's how I learned to raise my vibration and protect my energy:
Spiritual Hygiene is a Must
Think of it like brushing your teeth, but for your aura. Make it a daily practice to cleanse and protect your energy. Cleansing your aura with white source light. I like to do a meditation or sit in the sun calling in the energy of light from above.
Minimize Exposure to Negativity
This one's huge. Try to stop watching the news or anything that brings your vibe down. It's good to know what's happening in the world, but you don't need to be consumed by it. A lot of it is fear-mongering anyway.
Digital Detox
Be mindful of what you're consuming online. Delete or unfollow negative, whiny people, people that you compare yourself too. Monitor your phone usage. Instead of scrolling mindlessly, watch something that inspires and motivates you. Better yet, live a life worth living, not just simulating one through a screen. (my worst habit)
Saying No
Having boundaries. I stopped saying yes when i really couldn't be bothered. If its not a hell yes it's a no. Your energy is precious keep it for things that light you up. I would stop being everyone's therapist and start putting my own needs in front of others.
Morning Rituals
Start your day with a fresh slate. Do something good for yourself before you even look at your phone if you get on it immediately seeing something negative can overwhelm you. Meditate, go for a walk, have a cup of tea in the garden Sit and stretch in the sun. Whatever soothes your soul.
Gratitude Practice
Before you even open your eyes in the morning, tell yourself five things you're grateful for. It's a simple way to trick your mind into positivity for the day ahead. Affirmations are great.
Crystal Power
Use black stones to protect you from negative energy and pink stones to promote loving vibes. There are so many to choose from, and for anyone with anxiety, I highly recommend giving them a try.
Visualization Techniques
Imagine a blue flame around you that absorbs any negativity before it hits your body, letting only good vibes through. Or visualize a crystal gown falling from your crown to your toes, protecting your entire aura.
Connect with Mother Earth. Imagine a silver cord or vine extending from your tailbone, through the earth, all the way to the crystal core of Gaia. Breathe in her loving energy and send down anything that needs to be released.
Call in Backup
If you need additional help, call on your higher self, spirit team, or Archangel Michael. They're always ready to assist - all you have to do is ask.
Energy Healing
Consider seeing a local energy healer if you're feeling stuck. Sometimes we need a little external help to get our energy flowing correctly again.
Recharge Your Cosmic Batteries
Protecting your energy is crucial, but so is recharging it. Here are some ways to fill up your spiritual gas tank:
Nature Immersion: Spend time in nature. Go to the beach, take a forest bath, or simply sit in your backyard. Nature has an incredible way of grounding and rejuvenating our energy.
Chord Cutting: Calling upon Archangel michael feel around the body if there are any leakages or tentacles/chords from other people, cut them away and fill the energy with light. I do these during healings if need book in.
Hydration Station: Our bodies are 65% water, and nothing cleanses and nourishes the system more than good old H2O. Drink up, cosmic warrior!
Body Wisdom: Get to know your body. What does it like? What doesn't it like? Build a bond with your physical vessel. It's your antenna to the universe, after all.
Move Your Body: Exercise, dance, stretch - whatever feels good. Moving your body helps to shift and release stagnant energy.
Creative Expression: Engage in activities that bring you joy and allow for creative expression. Paint, write, sing, craft - let your inner child play!
Sacred Space: Create a sanctuary in your home where you can retreat and recharge. Fill it with things that uplift your spirit.
Sound Healing: Use music, singing bowls, or chanting to cleanse your energy field and raise your vibration.
The Empath's Evolution
The first thing i do is ask is this energy even mine. If i get a no i ask body to release it. If its a yes i sit with the emotion until it passes by journalling and feeling it. If its reoccuring i would do some inner healing work on it.
Now, when I feel I've taken on someone else's energy or emotion, or if I've had a conflict with someone, I use these tools to cleanse and protect myself. I'll smudge my area with incense, use my hands to draw out any foreign energy, and send it off to be cleansed and transmuted back into universal energy.
Remember, being an empath is a gift. It allows us to connect deeply with others and the world around us. It is the begining of our psychic senses turning on being able to read energy. But like any gift, it needs to be nurtured and protected.
By implementing these practices, I promise things will get easier. You'll start to distinguish between your emotions and those of others. You'll be able to help people without drowning in their energy. And most importantly, you'll be able to shine your light even brighter.
If this resonated with you and your hearing an inner call to do more work keep reading.
Cosmic Call to Action
Are you ready to take your healing and spiritual journey to the next level? I'm calling out to cosmic warriors who are prepared to step into their power and unleash their soul gifts.
This is for you if:
· You've awakened to the higher realms
· You're a lightworker or Starseed feeling blocked
· You fear moving forward with your soul mission
· You have soul gifts you're not sure how to activate
· You're a healer wanting to step into your power
· You know you're here to do big things energetically
I'm offering a galactic healing and activation series - 6 sessions held over 12 weeks. We'll be working with dragons, ascended masters, galactic and elemental guides, and our ancestors to clear, cleanse, and align you to the higher dimensions.
This is your chance to jump timelines into your true path. If you're feeling the call, shoot me a message or email to book your spot.
Remember, cosmic warriors, you're here to do big things energetically! But you can't pour from an empty cup. It's time to fill your own cup first and let that empathic superpower shine!
Let's raise our vibrations together and create a ripple effect of healing across the cosmos!
Cosmic hugs and high vibes,
Your Wild Wandering Warrior
P.S. Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter for more empowering content and upcoming classes. Trust me, you don't want to miss this cosmic journey we're about to embark on!